
This Foundation - The Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) - is a Non-Profit, Health Promotion Charity that my wife Kirralee and I began in 2014, after I was diagnosed with brain cancer. We began the Foundation when we realised how underfunded brain cancer was in Australia in comparison to other cancers. The lack of funding meant very little research into treatments or cures for brain cancer and, as a result, not much has changed in the shocking brain cancer mortality rates over the past 30 years.

We had no idea when we started our Foundation and set about raising funds for some much needed research, the incredible amount of support we would receive from people everywhere. To date the Foundation has raised $4.7million in just 4 years, funded a Brain Cancer Biobank, Travel Grants Program, 10 research projects including 2 Fellowships and a Brain Cancer Care Coordinator. Amazing! And all thanks to our supporters and our tireless volunteers.

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