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    November 17, 2019
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Advertisement Hold? What Does The Future THE FUTURE REVEALED By the greatest Prophet who ever lived From the Word of God WHEN THE TWO HUGE TOWERS came crahing down so carth His own finger in them "Remember the Sabbath day to e a cotroled demolision in New York oe September 11,200 frkeep ie holy andagony pierced the heats of billions worldwide Almost tree deuand sods perished Suddnly the nhikable bad drik of the wine her tae docineshing) of he w e occued and the world would never be the same again Fear and terroe of her fortication had cast a grim shadow aos this carh v cAR US I100 o112 2. Babyon is fallen, is fllen, th at city, bocmse she made all F L 53 DE Baylon is that regous hegemony that directs the affairss00 s01 Eaily in the headlines we read of wars and rumours of other of nations (Rev 17:18)) and has made the world forget the TOTAL ww, Afghanistan, Ira Iran, Paletine, Lebanon, and sow with Seventh Day Sabbath of the Ble and made the word to the procodentod Aras Spring, how does the uneest in Egp worhip on the first day of the week, Sunday Tunisis, Lya Syria Yemen and Joedan affect Irael and m 3.Ifany mn wonigs the beast and his image, and reccive hi eBe For m ifmainpe Ggl ie F D Oher names may ad up to 666, but cely the Papacy fts EVERY che of the Middle Eat? Sudden death and terible destruction in Original Protestant Teachings on the Papacy What did in lads o damod and chaos. Japnese quake and tnami klls forchoad or in his hand, the same shall drink the wine of the these men have in comment They all believed and taught that wadh of Cod which is poured out without misture into the op of His mp00 of radiation from clear daster Lethal quake rocks indimtion and shall he tomenad with fire andd brimaone in the r the position of the Pope is the Ancichriat NOTEAnhrist does Chrchunch, N 200 killed. 10/000 hmes destroyed as many oe the stricken city Australia lashod by food, cyclone, fe. Lives homes destroyed, farms fooded and foeests burn as naare's fury is unlcashod mn again Christ tmoas in the place of Christ Lutheran Manin Luter Methodist Jhn Weley Presbyterian-Jte Ka French Proeestants- Jn Calvin Baptist Charles Spurgoon Church of England-agh 1atimer Satan Impersonates Christ Amid all this condasion Satan ence of the Lamb Hoe is the patience of the saint bee are they that kop the oommandments of God, and the faith of Jesus This beast tat Bbylon rides (Rev 173) are the ates (Dan 7:17 that enact Babylo's religious legislation Receiving the mark in his forehead, means acceptance in the mind or in his hand means the action of the will in accepting the state enforced religious worship Eonomits a oer the world are predictingg a major financial catastrephe."No man knows che day or the hour could very well be the beginning of the end. In waming to a world tht has mostly rejected God, in oeder that all who are wiling may be saved from what is coming God in His groat my and love, reveals in the Bile the future of the last genention before His soon retum l impenonae Jeus Christ as an aogel of igh (2Coe 11:34) impronating the second coming of Jess Christ and nealy dhe whole wold wil be deceived To those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast Probation for the Workd Closes Soon afler the whole world will have made theie decision oee way or the other whoes they will Then shall they deliver you up to be afticted, and shall kill you and you will be hated of all nations Sor my ame sake follow, the detiny of he wbole world will be sealod God's final waming has been given to all. Mary of God's servants have lot their lives They will put youod of the synagogc yes the time will co d He gives opportanity to all who ae wiling o be sved fom the coming destrcion This publication, is not to scare anyone, but to give hopeso hose who have no hope, and to eighen he who have had so opportunity to read ensehves ro the Word of God in giving the waming Rev 204 And thon shall many be offendod and shall beay one anoher, and shull hate one another Aad many ahe peophets hall r and sh herkiyou w thik he is doing God service J 14 doceive many God bas done all e could to save a planet in rebellion, He even snt His Scn to die for all humaniny on the cros, and all they had so do is accepeHis sacrifice and follow him Tor God so loved the world tha he gve His cely begonen Son, tt whosoever believes in him should not porih, but have everlaing li Jobn 3:16 Now it's too late, and the Seven Last Plages will fall ce an unrepentant world OSeven Last plagues fall on all who have the Mark of the Beast And becne iniquity shall abound, the love of uny shall wax cold Bt them dut all endure nto the end, the same sha be saved Mathew 24:9-13 eae ote se hind of the ble is about prophecies, and he many peophecies that have happenod have boon 100% accurte While The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God gave them requires of us Laca good Father He is telling His children what will soon coene to pass The h is sevealod as to what the "Mark of the Bease" rlly is or chalnge you is to tick of he remaining boes as you seeThe t Nood 4. Scoeching sn. 5. Kinglom of the Bet Sall of darkness e things happening, and when yove kod thm all you will Sl d And the "Seal Of God .A me and grina so 2&3. The sa and riven boome as 6. River Euphraes was driod up Rev 62-12 7. Graest carthquake eve and bal 75-100 pounds in weigh Rev 1617-21 saly know if he word of God is TRUE or FALSE was talking so bis disciples about the destrction ofthe Temple many as would not WORSHIP the imge of the beast hould be in Jenusalem and the end of the wold, and de disciples askod him kiled. In the Bible a beast means a poltical state, and the fint beast is ll us, when wl these things happent And whut wil be the sign that ae that is ridden by or under the control of the religious ytome moke of her burning For in one hour is hor judpoment come. oyour coming and of the end of the work and Jesus replied alled Babylon who claims and did change the day of wonhip fo Read Revelation chapeer 18 venses 9 to 24 e aehe bookef Mankew chtr 24 and venes work. The image of the beat in a plica or imiion of a nional skden deston comes spon dhem or psupona 34 for many of the nent Do not be deceived by man-priests, passoes, politicias scintists, philosophors or anyone cle "To the law and toimonics if they do not spek accoeding to this word (he Bible) is becase thene is o ight (h) in them la820 In the book of Revelation chapter 13 vene 15 saysand cse that The kings of the eanth lamene the final nuin of Babylon as they s Sabbth, the sevendh day of the wock to Sunday, the first day of theThe Second Coming For when they will say, Peace and safety state that in the past was under the contreol of Babylon The relipious power wbo claims to have the power to dhange the time and laws, is the Papacy Refer the book of Danicl chapter 7 ve 25 woman with child and they will not escape 1Thessalonians 53 When Asus comos thene will be war pon te fae of the eanh (Rev 194 The Spint of the Lond has bon snoved fom the world and the groter mjority are now under fall sway of Satan. They have choen Satan as their lcader and the God of loe has leh thes so their own You wil bear of wars and namours of war, see that you are notHim,e fae power wil use the power of the Sate to Sorce poople to devices Where thene is o love there can only be hac, he world is lef bled for all these things mst come so pass, bat the end is not yetwonbip ber (Romember dhe tnquisiion) The only force God knows oself destruction For if we believe that esas died and rose agin even so thom aho which sloep in Jeus (in the Bble death is oquated with oping) will God being wih Hm o boves All who have rejeoed placesmach gator disastes to coese and will not diminih oll the Sunday Sabboth is a man made impostare. The following is fon es will die by the brightn of Hs coing, sin canot Eive in In the days that are coming, it will become obvious to you what the Mark of the Beast is God wit NEVER force anyone so wonhip i the fonce of persion in LOVE The major Christian Sunday keeping chunch even proclaims dat the Nation will rise againt tion, and kinglos againt kingdom There will be famines, pestilence and carthquakes in various presence of God wto is a cossuming fee to tose who hate Him Golng Home to Heaven Heaen is a real placet 375 mils sewih a igh wal 216 fo high anound it clear as crysal with bwehe p dro gs con cach sid, and at the gos buche angls And the wall of the cy has twelve ndations of peocious stone. And the hlding of wal ofwas of japor and the city is pure gold e unto cloar glas And the twelve gates were twehve perts every sevenl pte is of one pea We observe Sunday inscad of Saedy becse the d therot of the city is pu gld as wne tranpr gla The Lond "Rome's Challenge" Second Coming of less Christ This is jst the beginning of sorows Foonomic collase and yperieaion (vale of moncy will gnady deasewill be rnpat aound the world (can anyone pet out of deb by geting themehes io more det or j by prvinting ee oocy Social upheavals Ju look around the woekd And this gpel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the cnd coese a michihalg Which day is the Sabbuth day? Saturday is he Sabbath day (from sant Friday to sunset Saturday) Why do we observe Sunday inscad of Satuday? Question Answer Question Answer God Almighty and the Lanb e the temple ofi Cahoc church in the Council of Laodicca (336 AD) wwsfemd the solonnity fom Sahday to Sundry And God shall wipe away all ars from ther eye and theve all be (Peter Ceioma a roman Caholic prie) The Coevert's nomore doadh noiher soow, nor orying, neither shall thoe be any Cchim of Catholie docrine, second odition pepe 50 pai for the Smer dings ane pasod way. And He tt sat pon the THE FINAL EVENTS WILL HAPPEN IN QUICK SUCCESSiON OSunday Rest Laws Nationl Sndry RotLawswill be implamend touout he wolm NO ONE HAS THE MARK OF THE MAST AT THS PRIUNT id BcholdIme all ting sew And he id me sbecmingahot and i will be oowadby aldionalligion MOMENT, UNTL IT IS ENFORCED AND THE WHOLE WORLD who ww de Book of Revelation) Wie dese words ae e and The Milenium Afler one thouand years in heaven, Jbn sw the New Jonsalem coming dows from hoven to this carth Jess comes fint and as His foet souch on the Mount of Olives, i bocomes a great plane and the Holy City lands thee. Au think This privilegod planet will be home to God and s and all who bave folowd Him wit live wk sing wih Family Dey legilaicn In Europe and in America ihRev 21:1-27 nHAS BEEN MADE AWARE OF WHAT IT S GODS FATHLL ARE IN EVERY CHURCH INCUDNG THE CATHOUC CHURCH ALL WHOWORSHPGODACCORDINGTOTHERUNDERSTANDING AND LGHT THEY HAVE, ARE PART OF GODS PEOPLE UNTL FULL LIGHT HAS BEEN GMENFOR THEM TO CHOOSE WHO THEY WILL FOLLOW Note While Sumdry lws are clained to be neodod, beocause of the haoic ae of society dae to naural doaers and coonomic woes, the mae pol is to establish a religious hegemony. Political compicn s deying love of jutice and reged or trth, and n in foe America ralers and leginlators, in crder to secure public fvour, will yd to the popalar demand for a law eforcing Sunday obsrvance Soon aet, e whole world will oliow the lead ofAmerica, presuming onomic sanctions and put te dh in this way, so save the world from uner detrction All binesses will be roquied so close for business during Sundiy Visit eis you-bube sie for farther infomation about Sunday iaws Those that refase to honour man's Sabbah in place of God's will be persocuted, placod under hoe forever Rev 21:10 FINAL EVENTS WILL BE RAPID ONES PROBABLY WITHIN A FEW YEARS Rev 13 15-And he had powr o pive leu he ge of the beast that the imge of the beat hould bot spandce that as many woldnotwonbip e ige should be killod And be is al bod wl and go, rich or poor foe or bond to ohe Volumes could be written about the evencs to take place, this is a reasonable summary of events taking place or to take place We challenge other Christian denominations and other faiths to write their understanding of che final events chat ll may know that the God of the Bible is God. The only One who lnows che Past, Present and Future events of this world ReigeasMar M la Plcase wach all the presentations ce the pape, thoe make a decision DA Divine Waming (4ind The Three Angels Message amuk in thoir h hd or in ther ehod and no one might by or s sne them tt had the mak, or the maber of he Here is wisdom, let him who has undercanding count che number of the beast oe lks the ber of a mare and his umber is sx hundred and sixty six-666 The number 666 is the Latin number equivalent of the title the Pope takes VICARUUS FILI DEI (Vicar of the Son ef God) Recorded in the Catholic publication "Our Sunday Visicor" April 18, 1915, but now denied by the Vatican The Divine Waring of the book of Revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 o 12 is to be gves to all the workd . Fcar (love) God and give glory to Him, for the hour of 1lis jgement is come and worship Him that made beaven, and canh and the sa, and the fountains of water May God grant you wisdom as you read His word. For fl indge plone go wamingfng TO RECEVE YOUR FREE DVD AND BOOKLET, WRITE To HARANATHA MNISTRIES, PO BOx 172, MATLANDNSsw2n The final warming of love to worship God who created the world and gave the Ten Commandments and wrote with Advertisement Hold? What Does The Future THE FUTURE REVEALED By the greatest Prophet who ever lived From the Word of God WHEN THE TWO HUGE TOWERS came crahing down so carth His own finger in them "Remember the Sabbath day to e a cotroled demolision in New York oe September 11,200 frkeep ie holy andagony pierced the heats of billions worldwide Almost tree deuand sods perished Suddnly the nhikable bad drik of the wine her tae docineshing) of he w e occued and the world would never be the same again Fear and terroe of her fortication had cast a grim shadow aos this carh v cAR US I100 o112 2. Babyon is fallen, is fllen, th at city, bocmse she made all F L 53 DE Baylon is that regous hegemony that directs the affairss00 s01 Eaily in the headlines we read of wars and rumours of other of nations (Rev 17:18)) and has made the world forget the TOTAL ww, Afghanistan, Ira Iran, Paletine, Lebanon, and sow with Seventh Day Sabbath of the Ble and made the word to the procodentod Aras Spring, how does the uneest in Egp worhip on the first day of the week, Sunday Tunisis, Lya Syria Yemen and Joedan affect Irael and m 3.Ifany mn wonigs the beast and his image, and reccive hi eBe For m ifmainpe Ggl ie F D Oher names may ad up to 666, but cely the Papacy fts EVERY che of the Middle Eat? Sudden death and terible destruction in Original Protestant Teachings on the Papacy What did in lads o damod and chaos. Japnese quake and tnami klls forchoad or in his hand, the same shall drink the wine of the these men have in comment They all believed and taught that wadh of Cod which is poured out without misture into the op of His mp00 of radiation from clear daster Lethal quake rocks indimtion and shall he tomenad with fire andd brimaone in the r the position of the Pope is the Ancichriat NOTEAnhrist does Chrchunch, N 200 killed. 10/000 hmes destroyed as many oe the stricken city Australia lashod by food, cyclone, fe. Lives homes destroyed, farms fooded and foeests burn as naare's fury is unlcashod mn again Christ tmoas in the place of Christ Lutheran Manin Luter Methodist Jhn Weley Presbyterian-Jte Ka French Proeestants- Jn Calvin Baptist Charles Spurgoon Church of England-agh 1atimer Satan Impersonates Christ Amid all this condasion Satan ence of the Lamb Hoe is the patience of the saint bee are they that kop the oommandments of God, and the faith of Jesus This beast tat Bbylon rides (Rev 173) are the ates (Dan 7:17 that enact Babylo's religious legislation Receiving the mark in his forehead, means acceptance in the mind or in his hand means the action of the will in accepting the state enforced religious worship Eonomits a oer the world are predictingg a major financial catastrephe."No man knows che day or the hour could very well be the beginning of the end. In waming to a world tht has mostly rejected God, in oeder that all who are wiling may be saved from what is coming God in His groat my and love, reveals in the Bile the future of the last genention before His soon retum l impenonae Jeus Christ as an aogel of igh (2Coe 11:34) impronating the second coming of Jess Christ and nealy dhe whole wold wil be deceived To those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast Probation for the Workd Closes Soon afler the whole world will have made theie decision oee way or the other whoes they will Then shall they deliver you up to be afticted, and shall kill you and you will be hated of all nations Sor my ame sake follow, the detiny of he wbole world will be sealod God's final waming has been given to all. Mary of God's servants have lot their lives They will put youod of the synagogc yes the time will co d He gives opportanity to all who ae wiling o be sved fom the coming destrcion This publication, is not to scare anyone, but to give hopeso hose who have no hope, and to eighen he who have had so opportunity to read ensehves ro the Word of God in giving the waming Rev 204 And thon shall many be offendod and shall beay one anoher, and shull hate one another Aad many ahe peophets hall r and sh herkiyou w thik he is doing God service J 14 doceive many God bas done all e could to save a planet in rebellion, He even snt His Scn to die for all humaniny on the cros, and all they had so do is accepeHis sacrifice and follow him Tor God so loved the world tha he gve His cely begonen Son, tt whosoever believes in him should not porih, but have everlaing li Jobn 3:16 Now it's too late, and the Seven Last Plages will fall ce an unrepentant world OSeven Last plagues fall on all who have the Mark of the Beast And becne iniquity shall abound, the love of uny shall wax cold Bt them dut all endure nto the end, the same sha be saved Mathew 24:9-13 eae ote se hind of the ble is about prophecies, and he many peophecies that have happenod have boon 100% accurte While The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God gave them requires of us Laca good Father He is telling His children what will soon coene to pass The h is sevealod as to what the "Mark of the Bease" rlly is or chalnge you is to tick of he remaining boes as you seeThe t Nood 4. Scoeching sn. 5. Kinglom of the Bet Sall of darkness e things happening, and when yove kod thm all you will Sl d And the "Seal Of God .A me and grina so 2&3. The sa and riven boome as 6. River Euphraes was driod up Rev 62-12 7. Graest carthquake eve and bal 75-100 pounds in weigh Rev 1617-21 saly know if he word of God is TRUE or FALSE was talking so bis disciples about the destrction ofthe Temple many as would not WORSHIP the imge of the beast hould be in Jenusalem and the end of the wold, and de disciples askod him kiled. In the Bible a beast means a poltical state, and the fint beast is ll us, when wl these things happent And whut wil be the sign that ae that is ridden by or under the control of the religious ytome moke of her burning For in one hour is hor judpoment come. oyour coming and of the end of the work and Jesus replied alled Babylon who claims and did change the day of wonhip fo Read Revelation chapeer 18 venses 9 to 24 e aehe bookef Mankew chtr 24 and venes work. The image of the beat in a plica or imiion of a nional skden deston comes spon dhem or psupona 34 for many of the nent Do not be deceived by man-priests, passoes, politicias scintists, philosophors or anyone cle "To the law and toimonics if they do not spek accoeding to this word (he Bible) is becase thene is o ight (h) in them la820 In the book of Revelation chapter 13 vene 15 saysand cse that The kings of the eanth lamene the final nuin of Babylon as they s Sabbth, the sevendh day of the wock to Sunday, the first day of theThe Second Coming For when they will say, Peace and safety state that in the past was under the contreol of Babylon The relipious power wbo claims to have the power to dhange the time and laws, is the Papacy Refer the book of Danicl chapter 7 ve 25 woman with child and they will not escape 1Thessalonians 53 When Asus comos thene will be war pon te fae of the eanh (Rev 194 The Spint of the Lond has bon snoved fom the world and the groter mjority are now under fall sway of Satan. They have choen Satan as their lcader and the God of loe has leh thes so their own You wil bear of wars and namours of war, see that you are notHim,e fae power wil use the power of the Sate to Sorce poople to devices Where thene is o love there can only be hac, he world is lef bled for all these things mst come so pass, bat the end is not yetwonbip ber (Romember dhe tnquisiion) The only force God knows oself destruction For if we believe that esas died and rose agin even so thom aho which sloep in Jeus (in the Bble death is oquated with oping) will God being wih Hm o boves All who have rejeoed placesmach gator disastes to coese and will not diminih oll the Sunday Sabboth is a man made impostare. The following is fon es will die by the brightn of Hs coing, sin canot Eive in In the days that are coming, it will become obvious to you what the Mark of the Beast is God wit NEVER force anyone so wonhip i the fonce of persion in LOVE The major Christian Sunday keeping chunch even proclaims dat the Nation will rise againt tion, and kinglos againt kingdom There will be famines, pestilence and carthquakes in various presence of God wto is a cossuming fee to tose who hate Him Golng Home to Heaven Heaen is a real placet 375 mils sewih a igh wal 216 fo high anound it clear as crysal with bwehe p dro gs con cach sid, and at the gos buche angls And the wall of the cy has twelve ndations of peocious stone. And the hlding of wal ofwas of japor and the city is pure gold e unto cloar glas And the twelve gates were twehve perts every sevenl pte is of one pea We observe Sunday inscad of Saedy becse the d therot of the city is pu gld as wne tranpr gla The Lond "Rome's Challenge" Second Coming of less Christ This is jst the beginning of sorows Foonomic collase and yperieaion (vale of moncy will gnady deasewill be rnpat aound the world (can anyone pet out of deb by geting themehes io more det or j by prvinting ee oocy Social upheavals Ju look around the woekd And this gpel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the cnd coese a michihalg Which day is the Sabbuth day? Saturday is he Sabbath day (from sant Friday to sunset Saturday) Why do we observe Sunday inscad of Satuday? Question Answer Question Answer God Almighty and the Lanb e the temple ofi Cahoc church in the Council of Laodicca (336 AD) wwsfemd the solonnity fom Sahday to Sundry And God shall wipe away all ars from ther eye and theve all be (Peter Ceioma a roman Caholic prie) The Coevert's nomore doadh noiher soow, nor orying, neither shall thoe be any Cchim of Catholie docrine, second odition pepe 50 pai for the Smer dings ane pasod way. And He tt sat pon the THE FINAL EVENTS WILL HAPPEN IN QUICK SUCCESSiON OSunday Rest Laws Nationl Sndry RotLawswill be implamend touout he wolm NO ONE HAS THE MARK OF THE MAST AT THS PRIUNT id BcholdIme all ting sew And he id me sbecmingahot and i will be oowadby aldionalligion MOMENT, UNTL IT IS ENFORCED AND THE WHOLE WORLD who ww de Book of Revelation) Wie dese words ae e and The Milenium Afler one thouand years in heaven, Jbn sw the New Jonsalem coming dows from hoven to this carth Jess comes fint and as His foet souch on the Mount of Olives, i bocomes a great plane and the Holy City lands thee. Au think This privilegod planet will be home to God and s and all who bave folowd Him wit live wk sing wih Family Dey legilaicn In Europe and in America ihRev 21:1-27 nHAS BEEN MADE AWARE OF WHAT IT S GODS FATHLL ARE IN EVERY CHURCH INCUDNG THE CATHOUC CHURCH ALL WHOWORSHPGODACCORDINGTOTHERUNDERSTANDING AND LGHT THEY HAVE, ARE PART OF GODS PEOPLE UNTL FULL LIGHT HAS BEEN GMENFOR THEM TO CHOOSE WHO THEY WILL FOLLOW Note While Sumdry lws are clained to be neodod, beocause of the haoic ae of society dae to naural doaers and coonomic woes, the mae pol is to establish a religious hegemony. Political compicn s deying love of jutice and reged or trth, and n in foe America ralers and leginlators, in crder to secure public fvour, will yd to the popalar demand for a law eforcing Sunday obsrvance Soon aet, e whole world will oliow the lead ofAmerica, presuming onomic sanctions and put te dh in this way, so save the world from uner detrction All binesses will be roquied so close for business during Sundiy Visit eis you-bube sie for farther infomation about Sunday iaws Those that refase to honour man's Sabbah in place of God's will be persocuted, placod under hoe forever Rev 21:10 FINAL EVENTS WILL BE RAPID ONES PROBABLY WITHIN A FEW YEARS Rev 13 15-And he had powr o pive leu he ge of the beast that the imge of the beat hould bot spandce that as many woldnotwonbip e ige should be killod And be is al bod wl and go, rich or poor foe or bond to ohe Volumes could be written about the evencs to take place, this is a reasonable summary of events taking place or to take place We challenge other Christian denominations and other faiths to write their understanding of che final events chat ll may know that the God of the Bible is God. The only One who lnows che Past, Present and Future events of this world ReigeasMar M la Plcase wach all the presentations ce the pape, thoe make a decision DA Divine Waming (4ind The Three Angels Message amuk in thoir h hd or in ther ehod and no one might by or s sne them tt had the mak, or the maber of he Here is wisdom, let him who has undercanding count che number of the beast oe lks the ber of a mare and his umber is sx hundred and sixty six-666 The number 666 is the Latin number equivalent of the title the Pope takes VICARUUS FILI DEI (Vicar of the Son ef God) Recorded in the Catholic publication "Our Sunday Visicor" April 18, 1915, but now denied by the Vatican The Divine Waring of the book of Revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 o 12 is to be gves to all the workd . Fcar (love) God and give glory to Him, for the hour of 1lis jgement is come and worship Him that made beaven, and canh and the sa, and the fountains of water May God grant you wisdom as you read His word. For fl indge plone go wamingfng TO RECEVE YOUR FREE DVD AND BOOKLET, WRITE To HARANATHA MNISTRIES, PO BOx 172, MATLANDNSsw2n The final warming of love to worship God who created the world and gave the Ten Commandments and wrote with