
Welcome to Maitland Palliative Care, Volunteers for Palliative Care. When you hear the words palliative care for the first time, it does come as a shock. It also opens up a whole new world where you have lots of questions. It is our hope that our website can answer some of the questions you may have and help you to make the next step. We have strong ties within the local Maitland and surrounding community, to support you and your family with free respite and emotional and practical support. The form of the respite varies enormously. We support carers by giving them the time to ‘recharge’ their batteries for example, to do the shopping at a less frantic pace or to simply enjoy being out in the garden without the constant popping back into the house to check on things. We do this through an assessment process whereby we come to your home, meet you and discuss your particular needs. We then connect you with a trained volunteer that matches your circumstances. Our volunteers have the time to listen and support you as only a palliative care volunteer can – with care, compassion and complete confidentiality.

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