JOIN OUR move move STUDY &seep Are you aged 45 - 64 yrs? not physically active have trouble sleeping have a BMI > 25 able to visit the University of Newcastle 3 times MAKE POSTIVE CHANGES TO YOUR ACTIVITY & SLEEP! move &Sleep Get FREE Personalised Glucose Results & $30 Gift Voucher/Visit AW7436354 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE AUSTRALIA This project has been approved by the University of Newcastle's Human Research Ethics Committee, Approval No. H-2023-0277 JOIN OUR move move STUDY & seep Are you aged 45 - 64 yrs ? not physically active have trouble sleeping have a BMI > 25 able to visit the University of Newcastle 3 times MAKE POSTIVE CHANGES TO YOUR ACTIVITY & SLEEP ! move & Sleep Get FREE Personalised Glucose Results & $ 30 Gift Voucher / Visit AW7436354 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE AUSTRALIA This project has been approved by the University of Newcastle's Human Research Ethics Committee , Approval No. H - 2023-0277