Aboriginal Community Consultation and Registration of Interest Niche Environment and Heritage (Niche) has been commissioned by Royal Haskoning DHV on behalf of the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) (hereafter referred to as the Proponent') to conduct an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment for proposed Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme's flood repair works at fourteen (14) areas along the Hunter, Patterson and Williams Rivers, and their associated tributaries in the Hunter Valley, NSW. The proposed works will include stabilisation and remediation of existing levees, floodgates and drains that have been affected by flood events. The Proponent can be contacted via: Matt Smith Manager - HVFMS Awabakal Country 6 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West, NSW 2300 Email: matt.smith@dpie.nsw.gov.au In accordance with Section 4.1.3 of the Office of Environment and Heritage Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010, Royal Haskoning DHV is seeking to consult with any Aboriginal persons or groups who may hold cultural knowledge of, or who have the right or interest in Aboriginal cultural heritage of the Subject Areas. The purpose of the consultation will be to assist the Proponent in the preparation of: An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment. . . Determining the significance of any Aboriginal objects and/or places within the Subject Areas. Appropriate management recommendations for any Aboriginal objects and/or places that might be identified during the process. Please be advised that, as per Section 4.1.6 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents (OEH, 2010) the names of Aboriginal persons and groups who register an interest will be forwarded to Heritage NSW and the Worimi, Mindaribba and Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Councils unless the person or group specifies that they do not want their details released. All registrations for the project must be received by 5 pm on Thursday 13 April 2023 and should be directed in writing to: Kate Morris Heritage Consultant Niche Environment and Heritage PO Box 2443 North Parramatta NSW 1750 Telephone: 0488 224 300 | Email: kmorris@niche-eh.com AW7319410 Aboriginal Community Consultation and Registration of Interest Niche Environment and Heritage ( Niche ) has been commissioned by Royal Haskoning DHV on behalf of the Department of Planning and Environment ( DPE ) ( hereafter referred to as the Proponent ' ) to conduct an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment for proposed Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme's flood repair works at fourteen ( 14 ) areas along the Hunter , Patterson and Williams Rivers , and their associated tributaries in the Hunter Valley , NSW . The proposed works will include stabilisation and remediation of existing levees , floodgates and drains that have been affected by flood events . The Proponent can be contacted via : Matt Smith Manager - HVFMS Awabakal Country 6 Stewart Avenue , Newcastle West , NSW 2300 Email : matt.smith@dpie.nsw.gov.au In accordance with Section 4.1.3 of the Office of Environment and Heritage Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010 , Royal Haskoning DHV is seeking to consult with any Aboriginal persons or groups who may hold cultural knowledge of , or who have the right or interest in Aboriginal cultural heritage of the Subject Areas . The purpose of the consultation will be to assist the Proponent in the preparation of : An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment . . . Determining the significance of any Aboriginal objects and / or places within the Subject Areas . Appropriate management recommendations for any Aboriginal objects and / or places that might be identified during the process . Please be advised that , as per Section 4.1.6 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents ( OEH , 2010 ) the names of Aboriginal persons and groups who register an interest will be forwarded to Heritage NSW and the Worimi , Mindaribba and Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Councils unless the person or group specifies that they do not want their details released . All registrations for the project must be received by 5 pm on Thursday 13 April 2023 and should be directed in writing to : Kate Morris Heritage Consultant Niche Environment and Heritage PO Box 2443 North Parramatta NSW 1750 Telephone : 0488 224 300 | Email : kmorris@niche-eh.com AW7319410