Local Land Services Emergency animal disease information sessions Foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease 1 NSW GOVERNMENT In response to the current risk of foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease, Local Land Services staff are working with landholders to raise awareness, prevention and surveillance of emergency animal diseases. We will be holding a series of information sessions for landholders to: learn more about the current status of foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease find out how to identify these diseases and know what to do if they suspect cases find out what they can do on their farm hear what we are doing to prevent emergency animal diseases hear about the work of Local Land Services in feral animal control. For more information Contact Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 or visit our website www.lls.nsw.gov.au/ead Join us We will be holding events across the Hunter and Mid Coast. To register for one of these events, scan the QR code. AW7262586 Local Land Services Emergency animal disease information sessions Foot - and - mouth disease and lumpy skin disease 1 NSW GOVERNMENT In response to the current risk of foot - and - mouth disease and lumpy skin disease , Local Land Services staff are working with landholders to raise awareness , prevention and surveillance of emergency animal diseases . We will be holding a series of information sessions for landholders to : learn more about the current status of foot - and - mouth disease and lumpy skin disease find out how to identify these diseases and know what to do if they suspect cases find out what they can do on their farm hear what we are doing to prevent emergency animal diseases hear about the work of Local Land Services in feral animal control . For more information Contact Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 or visit our website www.lls.nsw.gov.au/ead Join us We will be holding events across the Hunter and Mid Coast . To register for one of these events , scan the QR code . AW7262586