MOMENTUM FREE BIRTH CERTIFICATE APPLICATION L DRIVER'S LICENSE & DRIVING TRAINING IDENTIFICATION, DRIVER LICENSE & EMPLOYMENT JOB JOB PLACEMENT SUPPORT ACE COMMUNITY CORRECTES On NSW GOVERNMENT pathfinders KEERE Jum SIGN UP IN MAITLAND TUESDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2023 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM MINDARIBBA LALC 1A CHELMSFORD DRIVE METFORD NSW 2323 To join Momentum, you will need to bring a proof of ID such as a Health Care Card, Medicare Card or Certificate of Aboriginality. NUN REAL FUTURES ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO JOIN MOMENTUM? Aged between 16-55 years of ages Do not have a birth certificate Do not have a driver's license Are currently not employment CONTACT US: Are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Are living in North-East NSW ROVEMEN TAM AW7352699 1 0483 135 875 10428 156 180 MOMENTUM FREE BIRTH CERTIFICATE APPLICATION L DRIVER'S LICENSE & DRIVING TRAINING IDENTIFICATION , DRIVER LICENSE & EMPLOYMENT JOB JOB PLACEMENT SUPPORT ACE COMMUNITY CORRECTES On NSW GOVERNMENT pathfinders KEERE Jum SIGN UP IN MAITLAND TUESDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2023 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM MINDARIBBA LALC 1A CHELMSFORD DRIVE METFORD NSW 2323 To join Momentum , you will need to bring a proof of ID such as a Health Care Card , Medicare Card or Certificate of Aboriginality . NUN REAL FUTURES ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO JOIN MOMENTUM ? Aged between 16-55 years of ages Do not have a birth certificate Do not have a driver's license Are currently not employment CONTACT US : Are Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Are living in North - East NSW ROVEMEN TAM AW7352699 1 0483 135 875 10428 156 180